Saturday, May 11 2024


Invisalign is an innovative orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth. The aligners are made from a smooth, comfortable plastic and are virtually invisible when worn. They’re designed to move your teeth into place gradually, so you can enjoy straighter teeth without the discomfort or embarrassment of traditional metal braces.
Invisalign works by creating a series of 3D computer models (called “casts”) of your mouth that show how it naturally opens and closes. Then they use this information to create customized aligners just for you! Each set fits over just one tooth at a time–and since they’re made out of plastic instead of metal wires or brackets, they won’t irritate your gums like traditional braces do!

Invisalign Alternatives

Invisalign is not the only alternative to traditional braces. There are other options out there, including ceramic braces and lingual retainers.
Ceramic braces are similar to Invisalign in that they use clear aligners instead of metal wires, but they’re more expensive and can be uncomfortable for some people. On the other hand, lingual retainers–which fit on the back side of your teeth rather than on top–are less noticeable than Invisalign because they don’t show when you smile or talk; however, they do require frequent visits to your dentist for adjustments throughout treatment (unlike Invisalign).

Invisalign vs Traditional Braces

Invisalign is a discreet, comfortable and removable orthodontic appliance. Unlike traditional braces that use metal parts to straighten your teeth, Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners to move your teeth in small increments over time. These aligners are made of polyethylene and are virtually invisible when worn. They can be removed when eating or brushing your teeth so you don’t have to worry about them getting stuck in food or on something else while you’re eating or cleaning!
Invisalign also has a number of advantages over traditional braces:

  • Discreet – Because there are no metal parts on the outside of the mouth, Invisalign aligners are less noticeable than traditional metal wires and brackets (which may require rubber bands). This means that people who wear Invisalign will be able to keep their beautiful smile all day long without worrying about what others might think about how they look!

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Invisalign Treatment

If you’re considering Invisalign, here are some tips for getting the most out of your treatment:

  • Wear aligners for 22 hours a day. The longer you wear them, the faster your teeth will move. But don’t worry–your mouth won’t be sore or uncomfortable! You may find that it takes some time to get used to wearing aligners all day long. If so, try taking breaks from time to time by removing them at night or during meals (but make sure they’re still in place when brushing).
  • Clean your aligners regularly with warm water and toothpaste while they’re in place on your teeth. This will help prevent plaque buildup between visits with us so we can check on how well everything is progressing during each visit and make any necessary adjustments before moving forward with treatment plans accordingly

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How does Invisalign work?
    Invisalign aligners are made of a transparent plastic that fits over your teeth and moves them gradually, so you can straighten your smile without the use of braces or wires. Each aligner has a slight bend to it to help move your teeth into position. You’ll wear an aligner for about 2 weeks at a time before removing it and replacing it with the next one in the series (a process called “excursions”). The number of excursions needed depends on how severe your problem is; some people require fewer than 20 while others may need more than 40!
  2. How long will I have to wear Invisalign?
    It depends on what type of treatment plan works best for you: traditional or accelerated orthodontics.* Traditional orthodontics involves wearing braces for two years; accelerated orthodontics requires only 12 months.* Both options are effective at correcting crooked smiles but can vary depending on which option is right for you–talk with our team today!

The Benefits of Invisalign and Why You Should Consider It For Your Smile


Invisalign Quick Tips

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